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Linda Used to Be a Model

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Her smile is so genuine, and she loves almost every moment of life! It is infectious. We’d placed veneers on her upper front teeth over ten years ago. She’d done a good job of keeping her gums healthy. So, we were pretty surprised when she asked for “new front teeth” at her recall visit. Linda felt that her front veneers were now too bright for a woman just over 50 and they no longer matched her natural teeth. She was half right. I gave her two solutions. We could replace her two veneers with new ones that match the current shade of her natural teeth, which have darkened during the aging process, or we could leave her veneers in place and make every tooth in her smile the youthful, whiter shade. With today’s technology, I could show her what her smile would look like for each solution. Then I gave her two colored prints to take home.

Linda showed these prints to coworkers, friends, and family. Their opinions were all identical – “match your darker teeth to your whiter front teeth”. So, we did.

When Linda came in for a recall visit, she had a surprise for us. She was now modeling attire appropriate for professional women, aged 40-45. She claims to pass out our business card when someone comments about her smile. This gives ME something to smile about!

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