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Missing An Adult Tooth

Winterset Dental Care Logo

Yesterday, one of my dental hygienists suspected a crack in the baby molar – of an adult’s mouth! The patient, Cecilia, was aware that a permanent tooth had never grown in during her early teens but, as she said, “it never kept me from munching popcorn!” We will never know whether an un-popped kernel broke this tooth, but my exam confirmed a definite crack in a direction that could not be fixed with traditional methods. She was very fortunate that the tooth had not caused her ongoing pain or broken suddenly over a weekend, but her luck wouldn’t hold out. She needed an implant but didn’t have the money for it. Winterset Dental recognizes the dilemma of unexpected treatment, and so has payment plans. Cecilia selected one that fit her budget and will be munching popcorn again in a few months.

Contact Winterset Dental when you need a flexible payment plan to create a healthy, beautiful smile!
