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Jan had a Plan

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Jan had dermabrasion to improve her skin tone, and covered up her emerging grey hair, then she lost some weight. At 60, this made her neck and face seem to sag, so she got that corrected. Next came the eyelids and corrections under her eyes. She shed her glasses.

Along this process, I told Jan that we could color and shape her smile to shave some years off her appearance but she remained unconvinced. She “didn’t want to look like a model, just more youthful.” Two years passed. Her son got married.

She brought wedding pictures in at her recall appointment and, rather than pointing out the newlyweds, she focused our attention on her smile compared to her peers. “I look 10 years older than my best friend, despite my nip and tuck” she stated, “so when can we start my smile makeover?”

Once her front teeth were improved, Jan lamented that she should have started with her teeth and, perhaps, skipped the suffering from some of the other treatments. “A natural smile just lights up my face, and I feel youthful again”, says the lady who didn’t want to look like a model.

Contact Winterset Dental today to find out which treatment is right for you.

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