At the end of every year, most of us declare a change in behavior for the year to come. I’m going to give you some suggestions, as your dentist:
- Decide to remove the candy jar from your desk – you’ll get the gossip some other way.
- Place floss on the TV remote and clean between your teeth during the nightly news. Trust me, you can feel your teeth better than you see them.
- Give up sugary, carbonated soda pop, especially if you sip it over a half hour. The sugar, acid, and duration are a terrible combination for teeth.
- Do not suck on lemons. They are too acidic and will damage the enamel.
- The assortment of salty “chips” in lunches actually break down into sugar wedged in the grooves of teeth for 2-3 hours. Find an alternative.
- Never take a toothpick to your teeth and gums. It is a weapon of mass destruction.
- Do not expect your teeth to function like a wrench, scissors, or clamps unless it is a case of life or death.
- According to Health Funding Research, gum is not biodegradable. Don’t start, or you may never be able to wear sandals as you age.
- Change your toothbrush every six months, and don’t use the hard bristle version.
- Finally, visit your friendly dentist twice a year.
Contact Winterset Dental today to find out which treatment is right for you.